
Community members speaking with 员工s discussing the strategic vision for the district, 绿色覆盖


In fall 2018 and spring 2019, the 澳门新葡京博彩区 校董会 and Dr. Mike Flores, engaged 1,300 员工s, students and community members in Conversations for the Future.

Conversations for the Future involved facilitated workshops at each of the colleges and the district support operation office to allow for a shared voice at the table by engaging in helpful dialogue with one another about the future strategic planning of the district. 随后, identified conversation topics results were reviewed and prioritized during working sessions at the 2019 ACD stakeholders’ strategic planning retreat. In the first working session, participants further discerned the 行动 focus themes.

第二届工作会议产生了优先行动重点主题. The third working session focused on the determination of big ideas for breakthrough innovation. Data collected from the retreat was reviewed and prioritized by both the 区 and Tactical 领导 Teams.

The prioritized 行动 themes were used to update the Strategic Objectives and Goals of the 澳门新葡京博彩区 Strategic Plan.


Provide academic and student support and 对齐 labor market-based pathways with a focus on student access, 完成度和社会流动性.

A. 识别, 改善, 以及资金流程, 为促进学生成功而设计的教学计划和服务.

B. Strengthen the approaches to outreach and onboarding to eliminate barriers to enrollment and accelerate students’

C. 提高性能(保持), 订婚, 毕业, 转学和就业安置)的所有学生通过

D. Increase overall student performance by closing performance gaps between ethnic/racial, 性别和社会经济群体.

E. 定义, 对齐, assess and 改善 student learning outcomes/competencies for all academic and workforce programs.


Provide opportunities for 澳门新葡京博彩区 students and 员工s to develop as leaders and collaborators.

A. 把个人责任和社会责任结合起来, 全球公民, 批判性思维与终身学习并重 
framework of principle-centered leadership into the culture of the 澳门新葡京博彩区.

B. Build talent and empower all 员工s to 改善 collaboration and teamwork in support of the student success 

C. Build and foster a robust internal and external communication system with students, 员工与社会共同努力 


不断提高我们的学生, 员工, 金融, 技术, 身体和其他能力,注重效率, 效率, 敏捷性和质量.

A. Utilize the MyMAP framework to 改善 the overall student experience to accelerate students’ progress toward their
通过学业和职业目标的整合进行建议, 学术支持和参与过程和系统.

B. Improve the overall 员工 experience to accelerate 员工s’ level of 订婚, 满意度与绩效.

C. 确保健全的财务管理,以控制成本为重点.

D. Maximize the purchase and use of technology to support student and 员工 success.

E. Develop an agile system of workforce innovation and intelligent risk-taking through a shared contribution to data, 行动, 价值与组织成功.




为2019年亚洲合作对话利益攸关方战略规划会议做准备, data collected from Conversations for the Future was reviewed to identify 行动 focus themes for ACD.

They are listed in priority order based on frequency of mention and categorized as follows:

  • 学生支持
  • 特殊计划-课程和支持为基础
  • 独特的大学文化和自主性
  • 社区参与和融合
  • 协作
  • 奖学金和整体负担能力
  • 员工授权
  • 多样化的产品
  • 教学质量/人员素质
  • 设备的改进
  1. 人类接触
    • 加强全面沟通
    • 协作和协调
    • 文明(同理心,机构:机构,1:1)
  2. 学生支持
    • 更多从申请到毕业的路径支持
    • 始终如一的学生倡导——社会流动支持
    • 增加对学生的财政支持
    • 加强学生领导能力的发展
  3. 员工的支持
    • 员工工资
    • 招聘过程
    • 员工职业流动性
  4. 基础设施
    • 为每个人改进技术
    • 为每个人澄清和简化流程
    • 停车
    • 安全-安全的环境
  • 招生太复杂,没有足够的顾问,费用/费用
  • 设备/系统
  • 教员士气和班级规模
  • 指标——4DX, wig, slo
  • 通过主动性ID和实施的变化速度
  • 自治——对地区和学院缺乏明确的认识
  • 会议——冗余,太多,过度使用相同的参与者,等等.
  • 为地区、员工和学生分配预算资源
  • DCHS/ECHS -资助班级规模的模型
  • 技术-实施和培训
  • 优化和澄清地区与学院的关系
  • 学生们首先!
  • Communication: internal/external, bottom-up/top down, linear/across all sectors and silos
  • 社区和劳动力伙伴关系是关键
  • 协作至关重要
  • 员工体验影响成功
  • 安全很重要
  • 数据-有意义的收集



2019年亚洲合作对话利益相关方战略规划务静会期间, participants identified areas of focus from the Conversations for the Future workshops and consolidated them into 17 行动 focus themes.

They are listed by the three Alamo Way strategic objectives in the following table:


  • 流程

  • 招生

  • 双重信用

  • 学生参与

  • 宣传

  • 通路
  • 整体学生体验

  • 赋予所有人领导的权力

  • 合作壮大,社区沟通

  • 制度创新

  • 在他们所在的地方会见他们

  • 订婚
  • 设施及风险管理

  • 学生的经验

  • 员工的经验

  • Data-信息rmed性能

  • 内部与外部沟通




在2019年亚洲合作对话利益相关者战略规划静修期间, participants discussed innovative ideas for possible implementation by ACD senior leaders. 参与者确定了最重要的大想法, 提供了他们对解决方案的贡献的详细信息, 重要性和潜在影响.

The prioritized big ideas were categorized by the 3 Alamo Way strategic objective as follows:

  • 一天注册

  • 免费大学+

  • 免费教学资料
  • 培养高等教育领导者

  • 领导力发展与创新

  • 本课程学习
  • 绩效工资、表彰 & 员工赞赏——在所有员工类别中建立公平

  • 稳健的职业之路:从证书到职业

  • 阿拉莫随时(一种不同的AA:在12步或更少的时间内获得学位)